Thursday 12 June 2014

HSBC Bank - not so global after all

My experience with HSBC - The 'Global' Bank has been amazingly disappointing. I have been travelling thru europe from italy to England.

During my journey I lost my HSBC debit card along with my wallet and cash in rome, stranded with limited cash I arrived into london and visited HSBC london's Harrow town centre branch on 12th June '14 and asked help to withdraw cash from my HSBC India account giving them a background of my lost debit card.

I assumed this to be a simple task for a 'GLOBAL Bank' however the experience was contrary, I was simply repeatedly reminded by the staff present of how I am not a premier account holder and the facility of global withdrawals is only for premier account holders, after about half a dozen reiteration of 'this facility is only for premier account holders, I decided to walk out of the branch un-assisted.

Mind you even as a non-premier account holder I do have MONEY in the bank and not plastic monopoly chips.

Furthermore the manner in which the bank staff used the procedural bureaucracy and processes to ensure a customer is not assisted was most nauseating considering processes are designed to help customers.

A customer in need of help in exceptional circumstances requires an institution like a bank to go that extra mile to assist it's customers and not demean and embarrass
them by classifying them as non-premier hence un-important. HSBC you are clearly a Global bank that doesn't care.